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Holistic Health and Energy Healing


The path of holistic health reaches back to ancient times. Ancient peoples looked at human health as resulting from a balanced combination of a healthy mind, body, heart, and spirit.

This is how the term “holistic” health got its name; the word “holism” is defined by the theory that parts of a whole are so intimately connected, they cannot exist independently or be understood without reference to the whole. Furthermore, when it comes to medicinal terms, holism refers to treating the whole person. So instead of solely considering physical symptoms, practitioners also take into account the mental, emotional, and social factors that might also be contributing to someone’s ailments.

Today, several thousand years after historians believe holistic medicine planted its roots, the idea of holistic health has withstood the test of time. Perhaps one of the most effective and commonly practiced ideas in holistic medicine today is energy healing.

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is an alternative wellness practice founded on the belief that physical, mental, and emotional ailments can be eased by using the mind-body connection. This mind-body connection may be used to identify, access, channel, balance, and manipulate the energies that promote health and wellbeing. Unlike traditional Western medicine that tends to treat the symptoms of a disease or illness, energy healing is focused on all aspects of the patient’s life, body, and mind.

The “How” of Energy Healing

Unfortunately, there have been a lot of myths and misconceptions perpetuated about holistic healing. However, with mounting numbers of studies, testimonials, and scientific research backing “alternative” methods, many practitioners from vast fields of study are beginning to understand and reap the benefits of holistic healing.

Dr. Bradley Nelson, for example, has paired holistic techniques like muscle testing and his own discoveries in energy healing to help people find relief from an array of issues in body, mind and spirit. For many years, Dr. Nelson has taught audiences around the world simple ways that they can tap into the subconscious mind and get answers from the body itself. These techniques are designed to help break down the Heart-Wall and release Trapped Emotions. By using methods like the Arm Test, Dr. Nelson is helping people everywhere to find a balance between their conscious and unconscious minds in order to aid in balance and overall wellness.

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